Los Angeles Health & Wellness EXPO/ Conference for public & professionals

APRIL 4-6, 2025, Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX

Hotel Address: Sonesta Los Angeles Airport, 5985 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Our website:


Sponsored by THERAPHI (Advanced Plasma Technology innovations,

Amazing 3-day Biohacking and Disclosure events with over 30 speakers with 100 lectures, workshops, panels plus 39 Exhibits in Health and Wellness and Technology, 2 nights of dinner Banquets with dance and networking.

Event Information

Website: Contact us: or call: 1-310-908-6682, or 1-702-890-1290

Keynote Speakers: Paul Harris, CEO of THERAPHI, Dr. Michael
Grossman, Dr. Sabine Hazan, Dr. Jeffrey Benton, Dr. Genita Mason &
Dr. Nick Delgado
***Full List of Speakers:
Paul Harris, Dr. Michael Grossman, Dr. Jeffrey Benton, Dr. Sabine
Hazan, Dr. Genita Mason, Dr. Nick Delgado, Dr. Babry Oren, Dr. Barbara
Grossman, Dr. Cie Allman-Scott, Sir Bill Walsh®, Dr. Patricia Rochette,
Stanton Kurtz, Jason Munson, Founder Saeed David Farman, Babry
Oren, Crystal Privett, Michelle Jewsbury, Phillip Wilson, Jesse Marcel,
Sel Sarkin, Eric Dadmehr, Hare Dashana, Geraldine Orozco, Uri Lee,
Samuel Kiwasz, Alan Bedian, Laura Zentmaier & Samuel Chong.



Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, 5985 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.




Amazing 3-day Disclosure event with over 30 speakers, 100 lectures, workshops, panels plus 39 Exhibits in Health and Wellness and Technology, 2 nights of dinner Banquets with dance and networking.

Website: Contact us: or call: 1-310-908-6682

Our past events Video:, Prior years:

***Must be 18+, No kids, pets, no outside food, alcohol, drugs, backpacks, or recording allowed, dress code is Business Casual.

***Alien Event Cosmic Command Keynote Speakers:

David Hatcher Childress, Tom Althouse, Kerry Cassidy, Mike Bara, Paul
Hynek, Brad Olsen & Shahrokh Zadeh

List of all Speakers:

David Hatcher Childress, Tom Althouse, Kerry Cassidy, Mike Bara, Brad
Olsen, Paul Hynek, Saeed David Farman, Shahrokh Zadeh, Ismael
Perez, Robert Clotworthy, Jesse Marcel, Ryan Veli, Hans Dietrich,
Samuel Chong, Eric Dadmehr, Geraldine Orozco, Hare Dashana, Joshua
Sisler, Martin Liedtke, Colin Woolford, Julia Kamman, Bret Lueder,
Brad Markus plus more to be added.

Speakers Bio:

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***Alien Event Tickets include Alien event Conference and Health Biomed Expo & Conference.

***Early Bird 3-day Full Event Ticket for General Admission: $369 (Door Ticket is $599)

***Early Bird Day Ticket is $139 (Door Ticket is $200)

***Early Bird Seniors & Student ID Ticket is only $169

***Each Dinner Banquet ticket is $100

***Early Bird Full Event w/2 Dinner Banquets are: $499 (Door Ticket of $799), Save by registering now, scroll down the ticket page.

***VIP Ticket is $995 and includes: Full Events, with 2 Dinner Banquets, Front row seating, VIP Attendee Swag Bag, Recordings Post-Conference, Speakers access.

***There are 2 Dinner buffet banquets, on Friday, and Saturday night 7 PM to 11 PM Buffet Dinner and Dance with a glass of Wine or Champagne.

***Our past events:

***Conference Live Streaming:

$99 for all 3 days, 4 Channels to watch simultaneously:

***Become a vendor and exhibit your products and services:

***Event hours:

Conference & Exhibit hours are Friday April 4th, 2025, TO Sunday April6TH, 2025 from 9 AM to 6 PM daily.

The Registration desk opens Thursday April 3RD, 2025, from 2 PM to 6:00 PM, and every other day is open from 8:00 AM till 6:00 PM.

***Nearest Airport: only 10 minutes from Los Angeles International Airport.

*** Los Angeles Alien Event & Health EXPO 2025



Amazing 3-day epic Alien Event the 34TH of the 5D events is about ET Disclosure, Secret Space Programs, and Health and Wellness Expo/ Conference for a better future with Knowledge and Technology, Time Travel, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Remote Viewing, Space Science, Multiverse, CERN, Naval USO interactions, UFOs over Washington DC, Parallel Timelines, ET Disclosure, Origin of Man, Planet Nibiru, Sumerian History, Anunnaki, Giants, Bigfoot, Human History, Hollow Earth, Antarctica, History of Mars, Mars Base, Timelines, Teleportation, plus many other topics.

The Conference part of the event has more than one hundred Lectures, Workshops, Panels, plus Speakers meet and greet Banquet Dinner parties on Friday, and Saturday Night.

***Networking of UFO/ ET contact Researchers, Space Scientists, Contactees, Abductees, Disclosure groups, Whistleblowers, Area 51 employees, Space Force, NASA, DAARPA, Alientologists, Star Seeds, Indigos, Human Hybrids, Consciousness groups, with workshops, lectures & panels on the most prominent questions in our lifetime.

Topics of Discussion:

Antarctica, Land beyond the Ice and human races living beyond the Ice wall, Latest Drones, USO, UAP, ORBS, Triangles over New Jersey and other cities, Miami January 2024 Dark 10 feet tall Aliens opening portal at the mall, Las Vegas Aliens in Backyard the April 30th, 2023 incident, Alien Agenda, Area 51, S4, Dulce Base, Secret Space Programs, Mars colony, Artificial Intelligence, DUMB, Deep Underground Military Bases, Super Soldiers, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Alternate Timelines, Teleportation Machine, Underground Extraterrestrial Bases, Pleiadeans, Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, 57+ known Alien races, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Worm Holes, Space Time, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE, Weather Control, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Akashic location system, Philadelphia Experiment. Telepathy, Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Altered States of Reality, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Pleiadeans, Grays, Reptilians, Ancient Civilizations, Time tunneling, Alien projects, Hyper Space, Space – Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Alternate Realities, Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Intelligence is off our planet, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Self-Conscious computers, & the subconscious mind.

***Hotel Room Registration:


Online Reservations:

PHONE RESERVATIONS: 1- 800-SONESTA (1-800-766-3782)

Ask for the group rate by name: Biomed Expo 2025 or by group code: G4325BISTFF

***Parking: Discounted Day Time Self-Parking $16 per Vehicle per Day (no in & out Privilege).

Discounted Overnight Self-Parking $28 per Vehicle.

Overnight Discounted Valet Parking rate is $60.

•             Complimentary Shuttle Service to and from LAX 24 Hours a Day, every 20 minutes. • Complimentary Wireless Basic Internet Connection in the guestrooms.

Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, 5985 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

 ***Exhibit Halls: Grand Ballroom ground level

***Main Conference Halls: Burgundy & Colombard on the Ground floor.

***2ND Floor lectures and workshop rooms: Napa & Monterey Hall


^^^Grand Panel of Alientologists***2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Friday April 4th, 2025, Colombard Ballroom.

Panel Host: Commander Saeed David FARMAN

Speakers: All Alien Event Speakers


Highlights of this event:

***Opening Ceremonies

Friday April 4th, 2025, from 10 AM to 10:45 AM, Burgundy Ballroom

***Saeed David Farman, Opening the gates of Consciousness


***Secret Space Panel, Saturday April 5th, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Colombard Ballroom

Panel Host: Mike Bara

Panel Speakers: David Childress, Kerry Cassidy, Brad Olsen, Ismael Perez & Saeed David Farman


***Functional Wellness Panel: Saturday April 5th, 2025, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM, Burgundy Ballroom

Panel Host: Dr. Nick Delgado

Panel Speakers; Paul Harris, Dr. Michael Grossman, Dr. Robert Young & Dr. Jeffrey Benton


***Panel of Transhumanism VS Humanity: Sunday April 6th, 2025, from 3:45 PM to 5:45 PM, Colombard Ballroom


Panel Speakers:

Kerry Cassidy, Ryan Veli, James Rink, Ismael Perez & Eric Dadmehr


***Achieving Results Panel: Sunday April 6th, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Culmination of what we said and learned at this event and how to implement our new projects for humanity.

Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers: All speakers are present at the event.


***Dinner Banquet Parties:

Dinner Menu:

Each dinner banquet party ticket is $100 sold on ticket page scroll down the page.

***Friday April 4th, 2025, from 7 PM to 11 PM.

***Meet & Greet Dinner Banquet Dinner Dance Party with Speakers, attendees, and vendors: Friday April 12th, 2024, from 7 PM to 11 PM, plus momentous recognition of our VIP Keynote Speaker 8:00 PM to 8:45 PM SIR Bill Walsh with his outstanding contributions to the world of business and entrepreneurship, SIR Bill Walsh, is a renowned venture capitalist and the CEO/Founder of Powerteam International.

***Saturday Banquet Dinner Dance Party:

Saturday Dinner Buffet Banquet party from 7 PM to 11 PM.

Event Director: David Farman

Masters of Ceremonies: Michelle Jewsbury

AV Technical Directors: Dennis Whipple & Alan Bedian.

Volunteers: Volunteers apply today:

Media contact: Please email:

or call 1-310-908-6682 or 1-702-890-1290.