Zeus A – Main Hall

Zeus B – Workshops

Zeus C – Workshops

Playlist of previous event Youtube Stream

Latest Message: 4 months, 3 weeks ago
  • guest_9673 : Can u mute the mic until the next talk Alan as the background noise is awful
  • guest_9673 : I was taken in 1959 with my Dad & our car what they did with me was an examination to see what was shut off & changed in my body. I caused a stir because my future records said I will have my appendix taken out twice & the boss man came over to figure things out (my brother had his taken out under my name to use insurance) & I asked what it did & I was told that it connected to another organ & allowed us long life. I guess that's why they paid so much attention to my appendix during my abduction
  • guest_960 : Can you fix the sound. It's horrible.
  • AlanB : Thanks for letting me me know, but which room is the sound not good in? I'll be editing filtering the sound later on final copy, but we're doing our best with the equipment we have..
  • guest_960 : The sound is not so great.
  • AlanB : Alright guys, we've started our event, hope all goes smoothly. Thanks for joining us here, should be a good 4 days to come. Enjoy, feel free to comment and let me know if you experience any difficulties.
  • Ronaldo : I was not watching it, but if was an electronic voice, it is probably Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, who took over an UK channel in 1977 while in previous months they showed up here, north of Brazil in the Colares Island, state of Pará −-− I can´t wait to see the Prime TV Show −-− https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Television_broadcast_interruption
  • Karen Gibbs : Did anyone else here the "alien" voice?
  • guest_7398 : Sound like the audio audible now.
  • Karen Gibbs : We are getting some fast talking "alien" voice interference right now. That's what it sounds like.
  • AlanB : I'm the Tech Director of the 5D Events for many years and also a speaker. I'm pretty much a volunteer running the show for the sake of the great speakers and guests, I'm lucky if I break even but still enjoy being of service. We're doing our best to keep things smooth, but sorry it doesn't always look professional, maybe next event we'll be able to upgrade some equipment.
  • Karen Gibbs : Alan, are you a volunteer?
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB, Thank you! 🙏💕🙏
  • AlanB : As I mentioned before, I will be editing all the videos to improve the audio, and the presentation slides I will try to get the original copy to edit into the videos. For everybody that is part of the live stream, I will send them the full event edited within about a month from now, so you will be able to catch up on the things that you missed with higher quality. Thanks for understanding.
  • nina morey : Is Temecula room going to stream to see worshops??
  • guest_2495 : April 13 2024 11:57 AM:Napa Room: Update : on our MacBook Air, Safari browser, audio is too low still
  • Karen Gibbs : Saheed David is rude? And derelict of his duties as the organizer. The Burgancy Room is still having sound issues, the 3rd day in a row.
  • Christen : David is very rude. I'm leaving
  • guest_7506 : I cannot belive people paid for this. Where are the speakers!!?
  • James : Terrible management by david. I'll be speaking about a refund
  • guest_2495 : NAPA Room : Audio is too low on our computer. Need to perhaps, fix it it in the Napa Room.
  • nina morey : Can you get audio in NAPA room fixed, please!!
  • David Martini : santa cruz room not working
  • karen- : https://bizton.com/saturday-program
  • karen- : https://bizton.com/saturday-program
  • karen- : thanks alan-- santa barbara room- most of the power points camera in wrong positions- cannot see screen- white blur, rest okay
  • AlanB : Sorry about the complications, the live streams have been recording, but the page didn't update properly. It's fixed now so refresh this page to see the new links. Thanks for your patience, you can play from the beginning.
  • karen : i sent message to eric- to let him know what is NOT happening this am -
  • karen : no LIVE STREAMs last hour??
  • nina morey : This is nuts! Where is today's live stream????
  • nina morey : Anyone here this monring?
  • nina morey : hello?
  • nina morey : Where is today's live stream? I'm only seeing yesterday's recordings coming through??
  • nina morey : Is audio and video coming through today?
  • nina morey : Is today's, April 13th streaming coming through now?
  • Ronaldo : Way to go to other realms and let´s leave this prison behind... Look the Brasilia´s map to see the wings dawn by Architect Oscar Meier.
  • Karen Gibbs : Opps, I mean Thank you Mark!. It is 2024, and we are supposed to have the best tech ever. Alan is proving that otherwise.
  • Karen Gibbs : I don't blame you, David.
  • David Martini : I'm going to ask for a refund.
  • MARK ROGALSKI : better
  • guest_6995 : How's the audio and video now April 12 2024 3:50 pm PT ?
  • guest_6995 : How's the auto and vide now April 12 2024 3:349 pm PT ?
  • Karen Gibbs : Thank you, David. It is 2024, and we are supposed to have the best tech ever. Alan is proving that otherwise.
  • MARK ROGALSKI : Dear Karen & David...I agree this is very difficult to watch and hear.....I only bought it because it was recommended by Kerry Cassidy!
  • Karen Gibbs : The audio is awful. I cannot understand anything. I'm listening in the Colombard Room.
  • Karen Gibbs : I can see the problem. Saheed...he's pretty unprofessional, disorganized, and chaotic. And rude.
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB, will the speaker's PowerPoint presentations be available to us?
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB, Colombard room video picture is back into color, but out of focus.
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB, Santa Cruz room video sound is distorted.
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB, Colombard room video started off great then picture distorted into vertical green stripes
  • Karen Gibbs : Agreed, David! There's stripes all on the Comombard Room screen. The video finally came on, and I was listening then the stripes.
  • David Martini : Not worth the price paid
  • David Martini : Video and audio quality is the worst
  • Karen Gibbs : ...bugs.
  • Karen Gibbs : Yes, thank you, Kalm for that on the tech issues. Something has to be done. This is their 33 event. Surely all the bug should have been worked out by now.
  • guest_3525 : I've lost 10lbs in the past 2 months after I "wished I did not have to deal with the (feminine) flab on my hips!" Eric the Healer says it was parasites aka GMOs & nano crapo!
  • Cynthia Salas : Thanks Kalm for heads up on past & current tech problems.
  • kalm : david and eric on facebook- actually this tech issues is every time - after a decade it should be professional- Iphones these days do better-
  • Karen Gibbs : Who knows, Mark! I am still not seeing anything from the Colombard Room and the NAPA Room.
  • MARK ROGALSKI : is everything being recorded? ...even the ones unseen because of technical problems?
  • Karen Gibbs : I also changed my browser and it's not any beter. A very unprofessional operation.
  • Karen Gibbs : Is anyone getting the constant loading circle. It's very choppy and keeps stopping and loading. Very glitchy, like every few words.
  • Cynthia Salas : This event was promoted to me by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot. She is speaker for Sunday.
  • Karen Gibbs : I am still not getting anything from the Colombard Room, and the NAPA Room is off as is the Santa Barbara Room. There are 6 screens today, as opposed to 4 screens from yesterday.
  • Cynthia Salas : I have no contact info for David & Eric.
  • Karen Gibbs : Cynthia, yes, I agree. Do you have David and Eric's contact info? Thanks!
  • Cynthia Salas : Karen, yes this event should have a multimedia team with the kinks all worked out.
  • Cynthia Salas : Alan seems to be the techie guru. Each room should have a tech person for this event. The recorded YT videos from yesterday I've seen are disappointing.
  • Karen Gibbs : Cynthia, I heard noise both from the direct live on this page, and the YouTube page. Weird how we are getting different effects. I will check YT today to see what I get. Is Alan the only techy that's running this operation? That's a big operation to be running alone. Not to mention mickey mouse. Still not impressed. This is a big conference and there should be a team looking after the multi-media.
  • Cynthia Salas : Don't forget to click above playlist of previous days' YT stream for missed presentations.
  • Cynthia Salas : I also sent email to info@biomed yesterday & no response yet.
  • Cynthia Salas : Karen, I do have noise in some rooms from yesterday. It seems if the speaker is present using the hotel's facility, there's component noise. However, if the speaker is online the LIVESTREAM sound & video was good
  • Karen Gibbs : Kalm, would you mind sharing Eric Dadmehr's contact info with me, please. Thank you. My email is feminineprinciple@yahoo.ca
  • Karen Gibbs : David Martini, I complained to the into @biomed, email, 2 phone number and the chat last night to no avail. No one has ever answered my emails. I started emailing BioMed in January. Never received any reply, so there's a ghost there. No David. No Alan. No body.
  • Karen Gibbs : Cynthia, your stream seems to be working different than mine. You stated last night you could see the Colombard Room. I never could see it. What the heck?
  • Karen Gibbs : Hi Mark, yes, there is a big problem. Nothing came from the Colombard Room all day yesterday either. I complained but the then they turned the chat off for all...
  • kalm : i sent message to eric dadmehr- he is aware of issues and the chat room concerns −-−−-−−-−−-−
  • Karen Gibbs : Hi Lan Lu, and guest 2050, yes, we were having the same problems last night. I emailed, wrote here in the chat, and even texted the two numbers given, and now see your comments here today too. Also last night, after I complained horribly, they stopped the chat at about 2 pm. I'm not impressed. Thanks for complaining, as I was the only one. I cannot even get the Colombard Room stream. It's got the blue circle saying live stream and no video's. The Santa Barbara room just kept replaying the
  • kalm : why are they still pushing semi chipped drugs? ivermectin has biosensors tracking we have seen- wormwoord or any herbal/ess oil/enema/suppository at any health store or amazon does not
  • guest_3050 : Main room has a buzzing & no sound Alan
  • Lan Lu : I can't hear main hall talk at all, too much noise
  • Cynthia Salas : Click above for previous days' YT videos.
  • Cynthia Salas : Here's the LIVESTREAM schedule: https://5dstream.com/schedule/
  • Cynthia Salas : I believe the YT videos will be available for a month of viewing.
  • Cynthia Salas : Yes, more than 1 lecture going on. Click above for previous days' YT stream.
  • guest_3050 : Yes but you can watch any video you missed Mark
  • Cynthia Salas : LIVESTREAM for 5D-TV states April 12, 2024 with start times for today. Click above for yesterdays YT videos.
  • guest_3050 : It just says that as Alan has not changed it yet David as Brooks Agnew is live now as is the Main room
  • David Martini : I only see the March 2023 events
  • guest_3050 : I'm using Firefox so yes
  • David Martini : is firefox supported?
  • David Martini : yes
  • guest_3050 : Did u refresh David as they r just starting up in each room
  • David Martini : who do I contact for this?
  • David Martini : it doesn't work as advertised
  • David Martini : how do I receive a refund for the live stream?
  • Cynthia Salas : Burgundy room is LIVESTREAM now.
  • Cynthia Salas : Refresh your page
  • Cynthia Salas : Brooks Agnew The Wonderful World of Artificial Intelligence
  • David Martini : I don't see any live stream links for LA how do we watch them?
  • guest_3050 : Brooks Agnew is live now in Temecula Room
  • Cynthia Salas : Temecula room is LIVESTREAM.
  • David Martini : it just says waiting for 5D-TV
  • David Martini : how do we watch the live stream from LA?
  • Cynthia Salas : Colombard room (workshop 3) sound is great!
  • Cynthia Salas : NAPA room (workshop 2, Santa Barbara room) is where the whirling sound in background.
  • Karen Gibbs : Techy Allan, there's a whirring sound coming out of the tech in the ET talk in the Santa Barbara Room. His voice is being drowned out a bit by the sound. Thanks!
  • Cynthia Salas : Santa Barbara room is LIVESTREAM now.
  • Cynthia Salas : AlanB states: "will send the full videos after editing to all who purchased within the month."
  • Cynthia Salas : I'm listening from the beginning the Burgundy room now.
  • Karen Gibbs : I'm not sure if they are allowing replays, but I think so. If you joined this site, New Humanity Movement, they are all there from the last couple of years.
  • Karen Gibbs : Ah, he's on The Great Lakes! lol! Mine are small compared to his!
  • Cynthia Salas : Thanks for the heads up on late start on LIVESTREAM. Do you know if they're allowing replays?
  • Cynthia Salas : Nice you're in a lake area in Vancouver. I have a best buddy in Toronto.
  • Karen Gibbs : I'm 5 hours east of the West Coast of Canada (Vancouver) in a lake area. I'm waiting too. The opening ceremonies were an hour late and not much to write home about.
  • Cynthia Salas : Only Burgundy Hall is Livestream, but talk is over.
  • Cynthia Salas : Karen, Hi! Where are you? I'm waiting for the LIVESTREAM to start in the other rooms.
  • Karen Gibbs : Hi Cynthia in NYC! I love NYC! It's just us 3 chickens here, watching the live, that I know of. No one else has said anything if their is more than 3 of us.
  • Cynthia Salas : Hi from NYC!🙏💕🙏
  • Karen Gibbs : Hallelujah! Thanks Margaret! I've been checkeing and refreshing my page, just a few secs before your message. So this is very resend 12:05 PST.
  • Margaret Sheldon : It's working!
  • Karen Gibbs : Plus $143 CAD plane ticket for one leg of the jorney to L.A. So that's $800 CAD total.
  • Margaret Sheldon : Oh! I am SO Sorry to hear all that! WOW!
  • Karen Gibbs : I bought a full, 2 dinner and weekend ticket, and a few days later found out I couldn't go, asked for a refund, was told NO, use it at future events. I asked to use it for credit towards this live stream. Never heard back, so I bought a live stream, now NOTHING! I wrote 5-7 emails to info@biomedexpo and never had one answered. This is a disaster for me. It's cost me $660 CAN so fa. I'm not impressed.
  • Karen Gibbs : All those who are on the live stream are missing it! That's why I bought a live stream! So I could attend LIVE! Hello, BioMedExpo???
  • Karen Gibbs : This started at 11AM: ***Opening Ceremonies: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, Thursday April 11th, 2024. ***NHM Founder Saeed David Farman, chanting & talk on Opening the Gates of Consciousness ***Edwin Harkness Spina Group healing and clearing ***Group Healing by Reiki Master Steven D. Kelley ***Group Healing by Shinto Master Benton Ryer
  • Karen Gibbs : I sent them a message in their contact us form. I will also email them now. It costs me 40 cents a minute to phone the US, that's why I am not phoning. I'm a pensioner...that can type like hell, lol!
  • Margaret Sheldon : 💕👍
  • Karen Gibbs : Ok, no worries. I don't have faith they are working on it, lol.
  • Karen Gibbs : Looks like we are the only 2 on this "live stream", and chat.
  • Margaret Sheldon : I'm in USA, but I'm sure they know it's not working and are doing their best to make it work... I am multi-tasking - getting other things done while I wait...
  • Karen Gibbs : BIOMED EXPO CONTACT: Phone: 1-702-890-1290 or 1-310-908-6682
  • Karen Gibbs : Hello? BioMedExpo! Anyone out there? The video is not playing!!! Good lord, Margaret, weeks later?? OMG. I'm in Canada. Are you in the US Margaret? I don't have long distance to the US. If you do, is it possible to call them?
  • Margaret Sheldon : Join our 5D Stream, bringing brilliant speakers together to teach, heal and reveal.. We invite you to watch our enlightening videos from the 5D – TV Archive, with many gems that are blessings to all who partake. Check out this list of talks over the 3 days, for $99 we will grant you access to watch all of these videos, even the unlisted edited videos collection a few weeks later!
  • Margaret Sheldon : Apparently, we may get access to some things "a few weeks later...?
  • Karen Gibbs : Lol, oh dear. We are the paying customer and no one attends to the chat! I think they need to pay attention to their websites. They are old and outdated, some links are wrong, and now the livestream...I gave them my feedback about their websites. I have a website. I know a bit how they run, and this one is def. outdated.
  • Margaret Sheldon : I saw that too... I was hoping maybe they had improved some things for this time... still hopeful, but not going to hold my breath!
  • Karen Gibbs : Than you, Margaret! I read comments from previous live streams below our messages, and they were having problems too.
  • Margaret Sheldon : Karen, All I can say is that I am getting an error message too!
  • Karen Gibbs : Nothing is "on air" as it says on Alien Event and New Humanity Movement websites! Please help! I pain my $121.33 CAD and nothing...
  • Karen Gibbs : Is the 11 am welcome intro playing somewhere? It's 11:06 and the top video in the Burgandy Room is not playing and will not play. SOS.
  • guest_9129 : now the sound comes on 10:45?
  • guest_9129 : 935: sound gone again
  • guest_9129 : audio back ROOM A..thx
  • guest_9129 : audio gone ROOM a again
  • guest_9129 : dr robert young screen & the panel screen fuzzy
  • guest_9129 : thank you..audio sound is back
  • guest_9129 : no sound frozen zeus rm A dr young/mikovits
  • guest_9129 : very poor visual fuzzy for zeus room A, refocus camera? rest rooms okay can barely see dr young or back slides
  • guest_7546 : I cannot hear anything in Zeus A Main. some sort of repetitive ups and downs interference sounds overtake the main audio
  • guest_6282 : audio in Zeus A Main Hall keeps disappearing.
  • guest_8499 : no audio in Zeus A Main Hall
  • AlanB : Talks you missed earlier today you can still go back to replay videos here. The talks from yesterday will be made available after editing later in the month.. Refresh this page for the continuation of room P3, it stopped on its own and had to begin new stream.
  • Arlene Starkey : How do we listen to the talks we missed.
  • AlanB : Sorry guys, the gremlins caused some issues with the wifi, but we're back up (refresh this page). Still recording all, so we'll the full copies of the talks you missed later. Thanks, see you tomorrow.
  • guest_8427 : what is going on ? only 1 room video/audio with phillip in room C? no panels?
  • guest_1936 : No sound on video in Zeus C
  • guest_3534 : 2pm zues 3** eric, fast simplier is to use veggie caps for magnesium sulfate OR buy on amazon precapped like that, we do not drink that salty yucky solution.. here https://www.greenwillowhomestead.com/blog/how-to-do-a-gallbladder-flush-and-liver-cleanse-to-pass-gallstones-naturally?fbclid=IwAR2RXg541t-FPHI5SAt6XNnRNe5X5IAe4n06GFd-uNAziXELjEKpGwOgrpg *spike protect blends/parasite purges/MMS as WPD at www.realrawfood.com :kalm
  • AlanB : All should be running smoother now, apologies for the glitches. Refresh this page to update the changed video links in all the room.
  • guest_1469 : Alan Zeus B is doing weird sound noises...
  • AlanB : Sorry for the late start on the stream today, turns out my YouTube channel got a strike because last night's panel talked about vaccines and I got put in YouTube jail again and wouldn't allow streaming anymore. We had to change to a new channel account, and other tech issues, but should be better now..
  • Richard Emond : LOUSY SOUND
  • AlanB : We're all setup to kick-off the event, hope no complications but please let me know if you see any issues. Today/Thursday is a light Schedule, but Friday will have all 4 rooms going jam packed. Enjoy the show, we are..
  • guest_2494 : Lost it
  • guest_2494 : Sounds great now
  • guest_6250 : Sounds a lot better
  • guest_6250 : U got it Alan
  • guest_6250 : Do u no that the main room has a constant buzzing sound Alan?
  • AlanB : Refresh page to get updated stream. Rest of the day is Zeus A only. Appologies for the inconvenience as the hotel's internet kept dropping in/out causing the interruptions. Enjoy the rest of the day's closing talks.
  • cathy braun : ok thanks. so frustrating! lol
  • cathy braun : I cannot get the live stream for Sunday, only yesterday's talks.
  • cathy braun : I cannot get the Iive stream only yesterday
  • AlanB : Sorry about the stream interruptions, the hotel's wifi keeps on dipping out causing me to have to create new YouTube links and update this page. Like I said, will send the full videos after editing to all who purchased within the month. Refresh the page, only panel talk remains now.
  • Ryan Veli : The live is down again, it stopped after 7hrs. Interrupting Ryan Veli's talk
  • Ryan Veli : Is the live stream going with a 15 or so minute delay?
  • Paul Gmitter : can we ask the speakers questions through this chat?
  • AlanB : Stream is finally up and running, apologies for the delay starting. If you don't see the 3 rooms, refresh the page to update links..
  • Paul Gmitter : *** Medical Panel***5:00 PM TO 6:45 PM, Room Zeus A never showed up on streaming. Will it be available later?
  • Paul Gmitter : Starting?
  • Paul Gmitter : Is ***9:00 AM to 9:45 AM, Room Zeus A, VIA ZOOM LIVE
  • AlanB : If you have more than one playing at a time, pause one. All 3 rooms are streaming smooth now, so if anyone doesn't see a room playing, refresh the page. Had to remake one of the youtube links. All should be good.
  • cathy braun : there are two audios paying at once
  • RachelB : It's actually "100 seconds till midnight" right now
  • AlanB : Attention: Refresh the page to update the Workshop room video stream. Had to start a new video link for room 2 so it's now a new one. (someone shut the lid of my laptop and put it to sleep by accident)
  • AlanB : We're all up and running, enjoy the rest of the day. Hopefully no issues arise but let me know if there's any problems. Some great speakers today...
  • Alex_U : We are working on getting the livestream up for Sunday morning. Please bear with us, thanks.
  • Cynthia Joy : Is anyone able to get in to Sunday 9AM 5D program? It is 10 minutes into the seminar and I am only seeing yesterday's videos in both rooms.
  • AlanB : Both rooms should be up and running here, just press the play button on the Video box to start playing either room live. Hopefully no more difficulties, we're just fine tuning now. Enjoy.
  • Cynthia Joy : Thank you Yvonne.
  • Yvonne Lynott : Cynthia - the told me to refresh from time to time for 2022 feed. So far, nothing. Time: 10:35 a.m. 6/4/22
  • Cynthia Joy : I still am not finding a link for the live stream. Please help.
  • Thomas Downward : HAve you now decided not to provide downloads of the recorded talks for paid members?
  • Peter : Do you know when the streaming videos will be ready for download please ?
  • Thomas Downward : Hello. Do you know when the streaming videos will be ready for download?
  • guest_2099 : Do you know when the streaming videos will be ready for download please ?
  • Benji Kohu : Steven D Kelley was his name in the CIA/NSA
  • Ib : Rm1 camera pan right a bit if someone is on it. tx
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : zender in rm 1 being cut in half.. camera has to shift a bit
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : david wolfe protocols except c60 &, me -have many superfoods already containing amino acids gogi berry etc- spring water, full salts natural have them
  • Elizabeth Aralica : The panel was excellent last night, everyone had so much helpful information -- and was so inspiring. Does anybody know the guy's name who was in the CIA/NSA and was touting the lysine? I wanted to make sure I got his email address correct... and didn't get his name...
  • Ib : Main room sound delayed
  • guest_3374 : you are welcome. we are in Oz.
  • guest_5149 : yes, i see .. makes sence...thx
  • guest_3374 : guset_5149 - I don't think they will appear in the library until the conference is finished, and Alan has time to edit,etc
  • guest_5149 : btw, do u know where to find the recordings online library maybe?
  • guest_5149 : yes ..
  • guest_3374 : Oh okay, thanks
  • guest_3374 : Looking at the schedule, I guess they are just running a bit late.
  • guest_5149 : yes, giants is in main room, almost over
  • guest_3374 : Mmm, the 'giants' talk in in the main room ??
  • guest_5149 : Ascension is in Main Cnf.hll
  • guest_3374 : what room is the ascension panel talks in ?
  • Ib : Rm1 video working
  • Ib : Rm1 video freeze
  • guest_5149 : whercan we find...
  • guest_5149 : hi alen, here can we find recording on the videos yesterday? I appreciate your help. VessiG
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : thank YOU alan & eric - sound audio ON rm 2
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : https://www.zeropointhealthstore.com/zero-point-global-products vibranz
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : NO sound ROOM #2 joe blanton
  • Ib : Rm 2 sound is out on this end
  • Ib : On now
  • Ib : *rm2
  • Ib : Rm w sound was momentarily on on this end 2:30
  • Ib : 2:22pm rm 2 sound check
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : NO sound room 2 hillcrest .. laser pen on screen
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : https://realrawfood.com/products#n5586 has MMS WPD sodium dichloride here 20 not 60
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : largest organ is the interstitium & glyphatics hmmm
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : if we can evolve to breatharian/solarian fasting and sun gazing.. throws it all out.. cleaned in & out.. water therapies ..
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : s spring water is biophotics.. david wolfe , daniel vitalis have www.FINDASPRING.COM
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : 3 cups of water ¼ cup of lemon juice 1/2 tsp cinchona extract IS QUININE peel from 3 limes the peel from 3 lemons peel from 2 oranges 3 cardamom pods 1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : Indian Tonic Water Tonic water is one of the handiest and highest natural sources of quinine. Opt for Indian tonic waters that don’t have preservatives, sugars, or harmful sugar substitutes. While the content of quinine in tonic waters is generally low, if drunk regularly, tonic waters can act as great prevention. Or you can make your own tonic water at home, following this recipe: 3 cups of water ¼ cup of lemon juice 1/2 tsp cinchona extract peel from 3 limes the peel from 3 lemons peel fro
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : prescriptions are NOT safe and anyone taken pharma classes never use Rx like Ivermectin & HCQ are nano chipped as well.. when WE have artemisa, wormwood and QUININE is called CINCHONA bark and essential oils or water steam therapy and GENIUS and other rife .. its 2021 ! as a quantum nurse shame on prescribing drugs to people.
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : dr steven west the law of empowerment https://thelawsofempowerment.com/
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : proclamations are like treatys only dejure by the 13 nations klanmothers holding allodial title still as original MtDNA Rh+
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : the original land is via treatys not countrys that are on stolen land.
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : the idea of the contagious contactee vaxxinosis should be discussed and discerning safety precautions.
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : the BLIND FROG RANCH UTAH.. UTE NATIONS https://www.discovery.com/shows/mystery-at-blind-frog-ranch
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : via eric dadmehr THE JESUS STRAND MOVIE https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5m17zd
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : jetson white trime line travel via eric dadmehr to alfred webre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8dt736tjqA
  • guest_7507 : The streaming has stopped in the Hilcrest room. 🙂
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : https://www.facebook.com/104101008486040/videos/1658434627684569 Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice was live. 3OaSctober4 192 a5t61 914f:n002i7 PM · Klanmother QNurse :karen :lucyk macdonald, life coach Sandy Glaze, healer Andra forbes DEW scalar C19 vaxx entities GENIUS scans at HOPE BC
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : dr/judge alfred webre sites i help with too www.PEACEINSPACE.org covid writ mandamus c19 vaxx injuries, ceast & desist
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : dr/judge alfred webre sites i help with .. NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM https://newsinsideout.com/2021/05/vaccine-rna-dna-bioweapon-nanowars-nurse-klanmother-karen-lucyk-macdonald-tony-pantalleresco/
  • guest_2979 : The audio in Room 1 is not audible
  • guest_77 : Can someone tell the speaker in the 1st room to use the mike.
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : they should be showing worse now active here 6G is terra hertz- microwave & infraRed. worse than gigahertz5G
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : Ivermectin is also a Rx with neuro damage too-a drug and leaves residual toxins too.. can one can look up herbal essential oil coconut suppositories without issues.. think ivermectin HCQ etc are chipped and herbs are not..
  • :karen :lucyk macdon : i have the swabs & vaxx vials.. i can also affirm same type under LBC microscopes here. using GENIUSbiofeedback to enhance restoring the zeno potential.. with GENIUS radionic scans we can see while 3D microscopes do not.
  • :karenann : reorganization graphene oxide aka BLACK goo.. hmm think TESLA PHORESIS at rice university with 6G past 5G
  • :karenann : my live blood & GENIUSscalar RIFE bioscan tests therapy & remedy maker contagious contactee vaxxinosis black goo GO pcr /vials https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truetube/2021/08/live-blood-proof-contagion-from-vaccinated-karen-macdonald-lloraine-andres.html
  • :karenann : my talk with dr robert young/dr alfred webre /dr ross andersen c19 https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truetube/2020/08/truetubeco-5g-emf-radiation-is-driving-respiratory-pollution-covid-19-virus-is-a-cover-story-with-dr-robert-o-young-dr.html
  • :karenann : dr robert youngs websites https://www.drrobertyoung.com/blog https://phmiracleproducts.com/ https://rumble.com/user/DrRobertYoung https://www.youtube.com/c/RobertYoung555
  • :karenann : dr robert o young sites:
  • :karenann : james rink site supersoldier talk https://supersoldiertalk.com/
  • guest_4586 : Raven's session is awesome - angels, arch angels, what is going on in the spirit, etc
  • :karenann : camera not on dr west doing hands on, can be moved to see what he is assessing please ?
  • Benji Kohu : Anyway we can get yesterday’s show?
  • :karenann : penny bradley site.. SSP, PROGRAMS RECOVERY MARS BASES, CHILD ABDUCTION nacht-waffen-pilot-for-the-breakaway-german-secret-space-program-on-mars/
  • :karenann : sandra rose mitchell site.. https://drsandrarosemichael.info/ biohacking scalar EES systems
  • :karenann : south pole stations being attacked via sgt pattie brassards version.. project incension yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQiM1u5TdIQ&t=2421s
  • :karenann : https://supersoldiercoalition.org/counselor/kimberly-lusanna/
  • Jimheo : sound is low for eric
  • guest_2979 : Excellent presentations by all yesterday! Thanks so much.
  • guest_4519 : Any updates for streaming the main room?
  • :karenann : yes.. all my spring water GENIUSelixirs are slicker, sweeter and taste changes in 20 minutes to activate for 30 days holding even from a distance.
  • :karenann : excellent, why i use GENIUSbiofeedback and Spring Water- accepts biophotonic and sounds as infused remedies i give to clients and back into the local watersheds 🙂
  • guest_2323 : mary rodwell.. classic with emminent grace love her talks & presentations..
  • guest_619 : One more question: When did you realize that you've been abused and when you deiced to run and survive?
  • guest_619 : Alan, you are awesome! I was last time live..howerever ist so good to be able to see and hear live its great! Much love & gratitude to you and your team! Vessi
  • guest_619 : I have a question, how came that they let all this super humans be alive and have their lives as a normal being?
  • guest_6418 : Apologies for the technical glitches guys, mostly worked out so tomorrow should be better, and have dvd backups for the talks that didn't stream perfectly. Thanks for the feedback, we're doing our best with what we got.
  • guest_619 : Yes, it came back...
  • guest_2323 : thank you..james & SSP here now seen 🙂 :karenann
  • guest_619 : no visuals here too..
  • guest_2323 : thanks.. listening to SSP talk- no visual only audio both links :kalm
  • Thomas Downward : Room 1: people are talking ... room has no sound
  • guest_619 : Oh now it workes again... Great! Thx
  • guest_619 : Hi Alen, I cant see the life presenation at the Mai Conferece Joe Blanton. Thanks for your assistence. Vessi
  • Tabularasa3 : lost video output, audio is a bit quiet
  • Thomas Downward : You have to click on Live stream (then)
  • Ib : Looking like we'll have to tune in later, enjoy all!
  • Ib : 12:22pm Waiting for 5D tv to connect 12 PM Livestream.
  • Ib : Waiting for 5D tv to connect 12PM Livestream. -ib
  • guest_7226 : Another Great Day of Speakers..U guys are excellent..TY
  • guest_6595 : Whats up room 1?
  • DL in LA : @AlanB - Excellent audio quality for Dr. Young's talk!
  • guest_1175 : james is buffering, echoing, hard to hear
  • guest_5990 :karenann : awesome james rink is great
  • guest_5990 :karenann : great.. now this is easier to follow/video & audio
  • guest_5990 :karenann : problems with audio ?? too quiet cannot hear
  • guest_5990 :karen :l : thank you for the kind invite 🙂 :kalm
  • AlanB : Alright guys, welcome to our Virtual Expo for those who can't be here in Vegas with us. We'll do our best to bring you all 3 rooms simultaneously in the best quality we can, but bare with us if there's any technical difficulties that are out of our control. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves, let us know if there's any major issues, and enjoy the show!
  • Live Chat : Talk about the talks amongst yourselves...